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Image by Thao Le Hoang

(1st Grade & Up​)

Image by Thao Le Hoang

Family Program 1st Grade & Up

At Planet Dojo we have the greatest opportunity to actually participate in an activity with our children at a level that will challenge us.  As parents we often feel that we can “coach” our children through their extra-curricular activities.  Generally, we all have the basic understanding that goes along with baseball, soccer, tennis and other great sports.  However, there will be a time that our children will move faster than we can observe.  By participating alongside each other, new opportunities will arise for communicating and staying in touch that never existed before. Start treating yourself to the workouts that will decrease your stress levels, manage your waist-line and increase the time spent with your family, today!

Families Enjoy:

• Respect 
• Discipline 
• Group Activity 
• Communication 
• Bonding Experience
• Physical Fitness 
• Stress Relief 
• Courtesy 

Image by Nathan Dumlao
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